Akwaba, Friends!

Welcome to my my blog, where I'll keep a live journal from Accra, Ghana in West Africa. I'll be living in Accra for six weeks with a group of 12 students from the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. We'll all share one large house and together, learn about the culture in which we'll be immersed. While there, I'll be completing two weeks of classes at the University of Ghana's East Legon campus. I'll spend all six weeks interning for Abantu for Development (http://www.abantu-rowa.org/). I don't really know what to expect, but I already know I can't wait to go back!

University of Ghana

University of Ghana
The East Legon campus where I'll take two weeks of classes in journalism

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Contact Information

Hello everyone! I wanted to make sure you all had my contact information for Ghana. My email address overseas will be logan.juve@gmail.com. By phone, there are several options:

* Skype: My account name is lmjuve. I'm still not totally sure how this whole thing works but I'll try to figure that out.

* Cell: There are several different cell phones you can reach me at. My house will have at least one shared cell phone. The number is 011-233-24-5888871. The director of my program also has a cell phone. Her name is Leslie Steeves and her number is 011-233-24-6617216. Leslie's home number there is 011-233-21-517514.


Eric Juve said...

Good Morning Logan, I will look at your blog everyday. Have fun and keep posting.

Love you

Uncle Eric

leigh said...

welcome to africa...it sounds great. I am so glad that everything went smoothly. And I really appreciate the updates; they are comforting! So go live your dream and enjoy every minute of it....we love you so be extra careful...xoxoxoxox...mom

Eric Juve said...


What is the physical address, I want to mark it on Google Earth. Maybe you could get the Lat/Lon in case the address doesn't work. You are not kidding on the size. It is HUGE, but it seems that there are lots of individual houses, many with lots that appear to be little farms. I hope you have fun.

Love You

Uncle Eric

pegnbob said...

finally, i get how to post a blog... blog challanged am i and thank goodness it has spellcheck!
we so enjoy the blog and pictures! we look forward to hearing about all your adventure in person... safe and healthy travels.
