Finally, the report I've worked on all summer is nearly done. Here it is!
Women in Ghanaian Media: A Case Study
1. Introduction
The media are recognized as essential to protecting basic human rights and freedoms across the globe. In young, developing countries, the media have proven especially helpful in cementing the ideals of democracy and fair governance. However, there are several aspects of democracy in which the media in Ghana have failed, including that of gender sensitivity. Despite the increasing role of women in political and leadership roles in Ghana, the media have marginalized their concerns and issues. In accordance with ABANTU for Development’s mission of engaging in policies from a gender perspective, this report will further explore the gaps left by the media in relation to women’s issues. Furthermore, the report will explore the root of this problem and offer recommendations for future policies.
2. Problem
According to The Women’s Manifesto for Ghana, the key concerns regarding the representation of women in the media are the media’s sexist and stereotypical portrayal of women, the neglect of issues pertaining to women and the nature of reporting of stories related to women, especially in regards to sex crimes against them. If we want women in Parliament and other positions of power, the media must first treat them as equals, being conscientious of wording, headlines and photographs that may play to cultural stereotypes above accuracy. Furthermore, the commercialization of the media in Ghana has led to pressures from advertisers thus leading to problems of the adage “sex sells.” This method of advertising perpetuates the negative stereotyping and representation of women in the media. The same is true for the film and entertainment industries, which were only observed abstractly in this report.
These problem stems from a lack of women in leadership positions in media houses, coupled with a lack of gender sensitivity and awareness. According to Sara Akrofi-Quarcoo, a lecturer at the University of Ghana Legon and the President of Women in Broadcasting, the problem with women in Ghanaian media lies in leadership. Women are accepted as reporters and anchors at major media houses, a feat that would not have been possible a decade ago. According to a study conducted by the organization Journalists for Human Rights, female enrollment in Ghana’s top three journalism schools is in excess of 50 per cent. suggesting a positive trend for the future of women in the newsroom. However, women are not treated equally in terms of promotions and opportunities in Ghana’s major media houses. While there are some success stories—the editor of the Ghanaian Times is a woman—more often than not men occupy the middle and top tier of positions in Ghanaian media. For example, the National Media Commission was established in 1993 as a system to check on all media institutions in Ghana, ensuring their accuracy and sensitivity in reporting. The board is comprised of 18 members from a wide range of media houses and other stakeholder organizations to guard against bias (MFWA 17). However, women account for less than half of the board. In order to assure gender sensitivity in reporting in the media, this problem of the lack of women in leadership roles must be accounted for in future policies.
3. Aim and Objectives
In addition to addressing the problems related to fair representation of women in Ghanaian media, the material obtained in this study will help answer the following questions:
1. What is the extent of coverage of women’s issues in the media in Ghana? What percentage of stories is oriented around women?
2. What is the content of stories about women? Are they about women in positions of power or otherwise?
3. What is the placement of the story and what does this placement say about the media’s perception of women’s issues?
4. What pictures accompany the story? What does this add or detract?
Ultimately, this study will attempt to determine whether or not women are fairly represented in the media in Ghana. The author will also determine how the media can contribute to a just and equal portrayal of men and women in the media, with a particular focus on assuring gender sensitivity through education and policies.
4. Methodology
This study was completed over a one-month period in conjunction with ABANTU for Development, ROWA. In order to attain a fair sampling of representation of women in the media, I chose to research Ghana’s three primary media outlets: newspapers, radio and television.
4.1. Newspapers
The daily newspapers studied include the Daily Graphic, the Ghanaian Times and the Daily Guide. The weekend papers studied include the Mirror and the Spectator. The newspapers were studied in the time frame of June 15-July 15. In reading each newspaper, I made notes of those stories related to women including the author’s word choice, language and the use of photography. I divided these stories into categories: women involved in violent acts, women in politics, women in entertainment, women in cultural roles, women in sports and women in education.
→Women in violent acts included those stories of women who were perpetrated by men and raped or attacked. They also included stories about women who were the perpetrator.
→Women in politics included those stories of women who were already serving in the government and those women who won the primary races in their constituencies.
→Women in entertainment included those stories about women in the film and music industries.
-Women in cultural roles included stories related to the trials of women in traditional roles.
→Women in sports included those stories about women on sports teams or individually.
→Women in education included those stories related to women’s progress in the educational sphere, including those women who were in leadership positions in schools.
4.2 Radio
The radio stations researched included Joy FM and Citi FM. The stations were analyzed during the period of July 15-July 25. Joy FM was sampled at the following times: Tuesday 7-8pm, Thursday 8-9pm, Saturday 10-11pm. Citi FM was sampled at the following times: Monday 5-6pm, Wednesday 5-6pm, Friday 9-10am. In listening to the stations, I analyzed women’s presence in the medium. Stories about women were recorded, as were those times when female radio presenters were most commonly heard. I also noted the placement of stories about women in regards to time and airspace.
4.3 Television
The television stations analyzed included TV3 and Metro TV. The stations were reviewed from July 15-July 25. I watched the nightly news on TV3 on Monday and Friday, and the nightly news on Metro TV on Tuesday and Saturday. I noted when stories about women aired, and how the anchors used language to portray women. Additionally, I watched TV3 on Wednesdays from 11:00am-12:00pm to determine what types of programs aired and what demographic they appealed to. This included a small analysis of commercials aired during this time in order to confirm the target audience. On Thursdays, I watched Metro TV from 7:00-8:00pm to monitor what programs were being aired, the commercials played and the suspected target audience.
5. Analysis and Findings
5.1 Newspapers
Again, the daily newspapers studied include the Daily Graphic, the Ghanaian Times and the Daily Guide. The weekend papers studied include the Mirror and the Spectator. The newspapers were studied in the time frame of June 15-July 15. I divided these stories into categories: women involved in violent acts, women in politics, women in entertainment, women in cultural roles, women in sports and women in education.
5.1.1 General Observations
According to Doug Murray of the organization Journalists for Human Rights, only 30 per cent of print journalists are women (4). When studying newspapers, however, gender issues rise around literacy. About 58 per cent of Ghanaians over the age of 15 can read and write. A 2000 census revealed a large disparity between the sexes, however. Approximately 66 per cent of males over 15 can read and write compared to just 49.8 per cent of women (Murray 1). Such literacy issues further complicate the coverage of women’s concerns in the print media in Ghana.
In the one-month period observed for this study, the following results were obtained:
Table 5.1
Daily Guide Ghanaian Times Daily Graphic The Mirror The Spectator
Sports 1 1 3 2 1
Politics 10 11 13 4 7
Violence 4 3 7 2 1
Culture 4 5 7 1 4
Entertain’t 4 2 4 12 13
Education 2 3 9 0 1
Total 25 26 43 21 27
5.1.2 Examples and implications of headlines
According to Sara Akrofi-Quarcoo, the problem with women in the media is not about numbers, but rather about context of stories and headlines. This theory is demonstrated in the headlines of Ghana’s leading newspapers, sampled here.
→ Political Headlines
“Afeku wins NPP primary” (Daily Graphic, 19 June)
“Women beat NPP men” (Daily Guide, 23 June)
“Students push for female running mates” (Ghanaian Times, 2 July)
“Women deserve a chance” (The Spectator, 5 July)
→ Education Headlines
“US, UK toast Ghanaian girl” (The Spectator, 15 June)
“Aburi HS raises funds for girls dormitory” (Daily Graphic, 20 June)
“Support girl-child education—Muslim scholars urged” (Ghanaian Times, 10 July)
“Torgome women undertake environmental project” (Daily Graphic, 10 July)
→ Sports Headlines
“Maidens suffer second defeat” (Daily Guide, 16 June)
“Brave Maidens pick New Zealand ticket” (Daily Graphic, 7 July)
→Violence Headlines
“Taxi driver sets wife ablaze out of jealousy” (Daily Graphic, 27 June)
“Evangelist impregnates 14-year-old girl” (The Mirror, 28 June)
“Mother boils child” (Daily Guide, 2 July)
→ Culture Headlines
“Women enjoy beatings by husbands” (Ghanaian Times, 18 June)
“Women in sheanut industry need support” (Daily Graphic, 21 June)
“Manners matter- the way we should be” (The Mirror, 28 June)
“Preserve the dignity of women” (Daily Graphic, 2 July)
“Should husbands do house chores? (The Spectator, 5 July)
→ Entertainment Headlines
“Signs to show she has interest in you” (The Spectator, 15 June)
“Ghana’s Most Beautiful—It’s Sara Adoley!” (Ghanaian Times, 21 June)
“Miss Ghana sets new agenda for women” (The Mirror, 28 June)
“Adoley fights for physically challenged” (Daily Guide, 7 July)
The biggest problem in headlines lies in the category of women involved in violent acts. The headline from the Daily Graphic on June 27 does not explain that the taxi driver was upset with his wife because she wanted to go back to school. In his jealous rage, the husband set her on fire and killed himself in the process. The story that accompanies the headline “Mother boils child” from the Daily Guide reveals that the mother did not put her child into a stew or something equally as ludicrous as the headline implies, but put his hands in boiling water for a moment after he stole 50Gp from her purse. While this act of violence is extreme, it is not nearly as inhumane as the headline would have us believe. Furthermore, the headline from The Mirror on June 28 implies consensual sex when in actuality, the 14-year-old girl was kidnapped and raped, leading to her eventual pregnancy.
In her study “Violence against Women in Ghana” Susanna Osam notes that journalists are often negligent in their headlines, implying that the victim is to blame for dressing provocatively or otherwise encouraging her attacker (43). It is true that in all of the articles observed, the reader eventually learned that the case was one of rape or other violence but, as Osam notes, the headlines assigned to articles often reflect the attitude and values of the author toward the case. Since media are meant to serve as the authoritative source of news, this problem presents a bias to the public that represents women in an unfair light.
Not including those headlines relating to women involved in violent acts, newspaper headlines are seemingly fair in reporting about women in Ghana today. Headlines about women in politics call for change (“Students push for female running mates”) and report accurately on changes already happening (“NPP women beat men”). By calling attention to women in power, other women may feel empowered to seek leadership roles in government, education or other realms of Ghanaian life. However, some inaccuracy still exists, such as the headline reading “Women enjoy beatings by husbands.” This headline implies that women happily accept routine beatings when in fact, a survey showed that less than half of all women surveyed accepted beatings as punishment, but not necessarily happily. While headlines have made significant improvements since Osam’s study, it appears that there are still some strides to be made in the direction of gender equality and sensitivity.
5.1.3 Implications of photographs in print media
Photographs can add or detract from a story, and often can draw a reader’s attention more so than a story without a photo. In this study, 51 per cent of stories about women included a photograph. The majority of those photos (62 per cent) were associated with stories about women in politics. Most of these photographs depicted women in traditional or professional attire speaking into a microphone or otherwise engaged in formal conversation. For example, on July 7th a story ran in the Daily Graphic about Madame Catherine Afeku’s victory in the parliamentary primary in the Evalue-Gwira Constituency and her campaign for support in the upcoming general election. This story was complimented by a photo of Afeku in a professional suit speaking to a crowd at her victory party. This representation of a professional, polished woman in a position of power conveys a positive image of women as leaders in Ghana.
Another example of female empowerment conveyed through images in Ghanaian media ran on June 20th in the Daily Guide. The article “Graduates embrace self employment” about college graduates seeking out entrepreneur opportunities includes a photograph of three women and a man in graduation costumes, apparently celebrating their recent accomplishment. This photograph is an example of gender sensitivity in Ghanaian media since it includes both sexes in the same setting. Furthermore, this photograph perpetuates the acceptance of women as educated members of society.
Finally, an important photograph ran in the July 9th edition of the Ghanaian Times. The photograph did not include an article, but rather a small caption with a headline that read, “Ensuring a violence free election—the role of the youth.” The caption went on to discuss the importance of this year’s election in Ghana’s young history. The photo showed young men and women casting their ballots. Such sensitivity is important for two reasons: women in Ghana are encouraged to vote by seeing other women voting and men are encouraged to accept women’s choices by integrating them into the democratic process.
5.1.4 Implications of word choice in print media
According to Sara Akrofi-Quarcoo, the context of stories proves a challenging aspect of gender sensitivity in print media. Equality and fair representation goes beyond including stories about women leaders in the news and extends into assuring that words are carefully chosen to represent women fairly and accurately.
On June 27th, an editorial ran in the Ghanaian Times entitled “Decent Dressing, Please!” Written by a man, this editorial called for women to dress modestly: “Some girls of today are exposing too much of their bodies in the name of fashion. It's no wonder that rape cases seem to be on the ascendary. We are Africans who take pride in womanhood and these young women should learn to protect their dignity,” (14).
The problems with this particular article are twofold. First, the author’s tone accuses women of putting themselves in vulnerable situations by dressing provocatively and therefore, asking to be raped. This accusation is not only unfair, but also caters to a certain archaic representation of women as property. Furthermore, the author implies that women do not have the right to their own bodies, whether that right comes in the form of what they wear or what they do with them. Secondly, such harsh, authoritative words coming from a male author perpetuate the man as the dominant, patriarchal figure in society to whom a woman must be submissive. In a culture where women are making strides to be on equal ground with their male counterparts, the perpetuation of this stereotype is a step backward for women’s rights.
A similar article appeared in the July 8th edition of the Daily Guide. The article entitled “What can women do better?” was written by a man and claimed that women want to advance in society but rely heavily on men to do so. “How can a woman exert her 'I can do better' agenda if she cannot do away with that ‘dependency theory’?” (4). By asserting that women depend on men for their success, this male author is perpetuating the same stereotype of the dominant, patriarchal male being the breadwinner in society. Furthermore, he is stifling those women who are enrolling in school, engaging in the community, seeking jobs and running for parliament. While freedom of speech is a necessary part of democracy, this column nevertheless reflects a blatant ignorance of gender sensitivity in the print media.
5.1.5 Story placement
Placement of stories about women in the print media reflects the publication’s attitude on the importance of women’s issues and concerns. The following table reflects the data gathered in this study relating to placement of stories about women in Ghana’s print media:
Table 5.2
Daily Guide Ghanaian Times Daily Graphic The Mirror The Spectator
Pg 1-10 15 8 12 5 8
Pg 11-20 8 12 19 4 5
Pg 21-End 2 6 12 12 14
Total 25 26 43 21 27
In the three regular newspapers, stories were more evenly placed from the front of the newspaper to the end of the newspaper. These stories varied in subject matter, but of those stories appearing in the first ten pages of the publication, 52 per cent related to women in politics and 19 per cent related to stories about women in education. Such emphasis on women in powerful positions in the front half of the newspapers implies that such stories are newsworthy and thus helps cement women as integral and equal in society.
The Daily Graphic contained the most stories about women, thanks in part to its “Gender and Children” section. The special section appears on page 11 of the publication and includes three to five stories related to women’s concerns and issues. The stories ranged in topic, and examples of headlines are as follows:
→ “Women—be interested in governance” (19 June)
→ “Women in sheanut industry need support” (21 June)
→ “Pregnant women patronize free health insurance” (2 July)
→ “Chose women running mates—NUGS” (12 July)
As noted in these examples, stories ranged from culture to politics to healthcare. By including such a section, the Daily Graphic emphasizes the importance of women’s issues and is careful not to marginalize the voices of Ghanaian women. Furthermore, by running stories about women’s issues so diligently, the Daily Graphic brings these concerns to the forefront and helps educate those readers who may not gain the information otherwise. For example, the Daily Graphic followed the progress of the recently introduced free maternal health care plan from its inception to its launch, reminding women what is included in the plan, detailing where they would be able to utilize its services and addressing the benefits of the plan. By using its large reach and readership as an education tool, the Daily Graphic contributes greatly to gender equality in the print media and in society.
In the two weekend papers, however, stories about women were mostly placed in the back of the paper and were largely about women in the entertainment industries. Of those stories in weekend papers, 82 per cent of stories placed in the back of the paper related to women in entertainment and 7 per cent of stories in the back of the paper related to women in sports. Those stories in the front of weekend papers were mostly of a sensational nature, relating to women involved in violent acts (“Female Cop Assaulted,” pg. 3, The Mirror, 5 July).
5.2 Broadcast
In the last decade, women in broadcasting have become more accepted by their male counterparts and by male listeners. For example, Akrofi-Quarcoo noted that when broadcast first began in Ghana, there were no women involved. Women only began to read the news after independence at the order of the first Ghanaian President. However, she also said that only the elite were allowed to read the news and many women refused the opportunity for fear of making mistakes (Akrofi-Quarcoo). Also, many women were forced to ask their husbands permission before reading the news, many of whom refused to grant it. The first programs hosted by women were those targeted at a female demographic; “Women’s Hour” was hosted by women and started in the 1950s to discuss housekeeping. As broadcast progressed, more women became involved in hosting and reading news, but gender stereotyping still occurred. For example, women typically covered only soft news and rarely presented during prime listening time such as radio’s morning rush hour (Akrofi-Quarcoo). Today, however, more women are involved in broadcast media. In fact, GBC employs more women than men according to Akrofi-Quarcoo, and the archaic stereotype of the woman as wife and mother is disintegrating. Furthermore, more women are allowed to read hard news on both television news programs and radio shows. An analysis of these trends is presented below.
5.2.1 Radio
Again, the radio stations analyzed in this report included Joy FM and Citi FM. The stations were monitored on alternating days at various times (see Methodology). In listening to the stations, I analyzed women’s presence in the medium. Stories about women were recorded, as were those times when female radio presenters were most commonly heard. I also noted the placement of stories about women in regards to time and airspace.
This study found that of all radio presenters, approximately 37 percent were female. Most commonly, a man would read a section of the news and then a woman would read another. This idea of a male-female partnership helps to affirm women as equals in news presentation and depicts an interesting image of gender sensitivity in broadcast media,
According to Sara Akrofi-Quarcoo, the number of female presenters is a significant improvement from recent years, and such data affirms that women’s presence in the media is on the rise. In the last decade, women in broadcasting have become more accepted by their male counterparts and by male listeners. For example, Akrofi-Quarcoo noted that women now cover more hard news and issues, such as economics and politics. Interestingly, on four occasions during the observation period women read stories concerned with the upcoming elections, paying special attention to the possibility of a woman as Nana Akufo-Addo’s running mate. Three of these stories were heard on Joy FM (July 19, July 21, July 24) and one on Citi FM (July 16). This example represents two ideas about the position of women in broadcast media. First, the fact that women were allowed to cover such hard news shows that broadcast media is moving forward in its portrayal of women as professionals. By trusting them to report on and read such important news, the radio station is conceptually pushing the fact that women are capable and worthy of such responsibilities in Ghanaian society. Secondly, allowing women to read political news encourages female leadership, thus pushing the idea that women are, indeed, capable leaders and thus should be considered for important roles such at Vice President of Ghana. These observations support the claim that women in the newsroom are gaining power.
Ghanaian radio programs allow numerous callers to call and voice their opinions about various topics of concern. During the time monitored in this study, approximately 1/3 of callers were women, and of those callers approximately 62 percent called in during the morning shows, when 620 listeners called in total. Of those who called in at other times, the majority called during the afternoon, with only 8 percent calling during evening programs. Sara Akrofi-Quarcoo explained this relative lack of female voices by calling attention to the fact that many women text message the radio show’s host, who then reads their text messages aloud. She explained that often, these women are too intimidated to be heard on radio stations but nonetheless, want their voices heard on matters from politics to entertainment. This observation is complicated because it says two things about women on the radio. First of all, women should not be too intimidated to call into a radio program. The show should be glad to take all callers and encourage a range of voices. Secondly, this observation shows that many women do, in fact, listen to the radio and care enough about the issues to at least send a text message to have their voices heard. Not only does this mean that the radio station is connecting with women’s concerns, but it also means that women are taking an interest in those issues in society that pertain to them.
5.3 Television
According to a study conducted by Journalists for Human Rights, the ratio of women-to-men full-time journalists is most balanced in the television field at 45 per cent (Murray 4). In the past, only young, attractive women with soft voices were allowed to read the news and appear on television. It was believed that reading the news was an illustrious profession designated only for young, beautiful women. Even then, these sex symbols weren’t allowed to be anchors, but rather read soft news and briefs. Today, such segregation is far less rampant, with women of varying ages reading all kinds of news (Akrofi-Quarcoo). A 1988 UNESCO Initiative aided this progression of women in news by declaring March 8 Women Make the News Day. UNESCO declared that women need to set the agenda in the news room as equals to their male counterparts, and therefore should have a special day to prove that they’re able to do so. The day entails women throughout Ghana’s major media houses taking over the station and running the programs for the day (Akrofi-Quarcoo). While this is only a temporary solution and is bittersweet, it suggests a certain faith in women and allows them to prove themselves during the day.
While women have made strides in the newsroom as readers and anchors, the stereotypical representation of women in television programs is problematic. Daytime programming is especially controversial and will be focused on during this report.
During the day on both stations observed, dramatic soap operas air back to back. In the author’s opinion, the target demographic of these popular shows is female based on the following observations:
→Plot: The plots of soap operas commonly revolve around the conflicts between women and men in the household, and often depict women crying to their mothers and sisters about problems with relationships. The programs also frequently depicted family life and women as young mothers. Furthermore, the plot of soap operas is extremely dramatic, with themed music often matching the moods of characters. While it is possible some men are attracted to such programs, the program seems to be oriented around women.
→Advertisements: During the programs, 34 percent of advertisements promoted grocery stores and other food chains. In addition, advertisements for household items ran during the programs, as did advertisements for children’s medicine.
The placement of these soap operas targeted at women during prime working time (9am-3-pm) suggests that women are at home where they have access to a television rather than out working. Such an implication insinuates that women belong in the home, raising children and cooking for their husbands (the breadwinners). This is problematic because such perpetuation of negative female stereotypes is not conducive to gender sensitivity and women’s rights as equals in society.
The content of the soap operas is also controversial. Women are portrayed as helpless individuals—they depend on men. In one particular soap opera that aired on June 19 at 9:00am on TV3, one woman with a young child was accused of infidelity and cast out of her home by her husband. She ran to her secret lover’s home, who took her in. Instead of consulting with her husband or making a life for herself, she instead retreated to yet another man to take care of her. It is unfair to say that this stereotype of the desperate woman is only evident in Ghana. Such portrayals of women are rampant in soap operas in the United States and Mexico, but are problematic nonetheless and should be addressed.
Another element of daytime programs that is not conducive to women’s rights is the portrayal of women as lusty sex objects. An advertisement that ran multiple times for Nokia portrayed a man in a snazzy business suit in an expensive-looking club. He held up his Nokia phone, saying “Cool” as women in risqué outfits flanked him. The women held his tie and looked at the camera, repeating “Cool” as they fawned over him suggestively (TV3). This representation of women as sex objects again suggests that instead of making a life for themselves, women can use their bodies to lure attractive, seemingly well-off men to take care of them. This portrayal is continued in the soap operas aired on both TV3 and Metro TV. In each soap opera, women are dressed provocatively in tight pants and low cut tops to reveal their “assets” to men. Not only does this desperation and promiscuity casts women in an extremely negative light, but also it is not gender sensitive. Instead of portraying men as the breadwinner and women as their dependent, daytime programming needs to air more programs to empower women.
6. Recommendations and conclusion
The fight for gender equality in Ghanaian media is not over. In order to assure fair and sensitive coverage of women’s issues, media houses and governing media regulatory bodies must enact policies to guarantee equal representation on boards and in editorial positions. By enacting such policies, women would have the opportunities to advance in the newsroom that are currently not afforded to them. One way to go about enacting such policies is to adopt an affirmative action clause, guaranteeing women spots in Ghana’s top tier of media practitioners. In order for such policies to be effective, media houses and media regulatory boards must also adopt strict policies against sexual harassment. Such policies would ensure that women are not intimidated or otherwise shunned from pursuing leadership roles in the workplace.
Secondly, those in print media must monitor their headlines and word choice more closely. Implications of headlines often reflect the author’s view on the subject and often, this can mean negative results for women’s issues as examined in this study. In order to assure sensitivity, the National Media Commission should enact strict policies that promote equal representation of men and women in print media. This feat could also be accomplished by designating places for women on editorial boards of all publications.
Finally, education around gender sensitivity and other gender issues needs to be enhanced in Ghana’s education system today. Those trained professionals in the journalism field should be made aware of the implications of word choice, photography and overall representation of women in order to assure their continual progress in society. For example, journalists should understand what it means to always portray men as the breadwinner in television, photographs, advertisements and stories—such portrayals suggest that women depend on men for their livelihood and happiness.
Once journalists have been trained to be aware of gender sensitivity and implications of gender bias in the news, media houses must hire them and allow their advancement to guarantee a fair and equal media system in Ghana.
7. Bibliography
Media Alert West Africa 2002-2003: Annual State of the Media Report. Media
Foundation for West Africa and Ibis West Africa: Accra, 2003. 16-19
Murray, Doug. “Empowering Women in Ghana: Journalists for Human Rights.” WORD
Magazine. February 2008. 18 July 2008.
Osam, Susanna. “Violence against Women in Ghana: An Analysis of Cases Presented in
the Print Media.” ABANTU for Development: Accra, 2004.
The Women’s Manifesto for Ghana. The Coalition for the Women’s Manifesto for
Ghana: Accra, 2004. 49-53.
Getting in an 8th Grade Frame of Mind
14 years ago
I have had extensive experience in the Nzema East area, working with an NGO there called Western Heritage Home. I don't know Catherine Afeku, but I did note this item not long ago in the Ghana press ( I believe she has spent quite a bit of time in the US. I would question the "professionalism" of someone who is basically contemptuous of the court of her own country. She did appeal and lost the appeal. I personally would trust a woman in traditional Ghanaian dress as much or more than one in "westernized" professional dress, to tell you the truth. I am an American woman, 67 years old. Just adding a thought here. Maryanne Ward
These are excellent observations but remember installing confidence and equality has to start at home. The mothers and fathers of the world have a hugh responsibility. Believing in each other dreams, even when they are scary, and giving the confidence to fulfill them is the ultimate roots for success....
I believe in you and love you heart and soul. xoxo mom
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